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Monday, 29 June 2020

How To Manifest Your Dream Life Using a Law of Attraction Journal (Day 8)

#30dayglowup - Day 8

Can you achieve your dream life using a manifestation journal? Let's take a look...

Manifestation/ law of attraction journal

You may have heard the phrases ‘manifestation’ or ‘law of attraction’ dotted around online in reference to achieving your dreams and aspirations, but what do these concepts mean? And how do they work? Well, consider this an introduction to using scripting as a way to manifest your goals. This is essentially the idea that if you write down what it is you want to achieve and envision yourself with your dream life, it will happen for you. The ‘law of attraction’ means, as the name suggests, if you think positively then positive things will be attracted to you and vice versa, and this idea is the basis of manifesting where you want to be in life.

I’ve been intrigued with this idea for ages – I’d previously used journaling to keep in touch with my mental health and found it effective, but with my dedication to my glow up journey this concept of manifestation seemed ideal for me. There is no perfect way to journal at all, in fact the more personal you make it to you and your goals the more effective manifestation will be for you, but if you’re interested in the law of attraction then this post will be a good starting point.

How Does Manifesting Work?

The idea that physically writing something down as a way to manifest our goals has been proved to be effective for many years now. If you research study techniques for example you see that the process of writing something as opposed to reading it or it being spoken to you is better at forming the connections in your brain that help with long term memory. Law of attraction journeys work as a way of presenting your ideas so that you can see them clearly and correlate them with the way your brain works – for example if you’re more visual your journal may be more of a mood board than a structured diary. The idea is that if you’ve got these positive ideas ingrained within your subconscious then, according to the law of attraction, they will be drawn to you.

How Do I Make a Law of Attraction Journal?

Your journal will be very personal to you because as I mentioned, it has to work for you and only you. Don’t think it’s got to be super aesthetic and pinterest-able, if it’s just block text that and it works for you that’s great! The only thing that defines a law of attraction journal is that it’s a documentation of your goals and aspirations. That’s it. In whatever way you please, you write down how you envision your dream life and the things you want to achieve. You can set daily manifestations and aspirations, write positive affirmations to cultivate self-love, create mini mood boards – whatever you want to do.

5 tips for an effective law of attraction journal

1. Be detailed and specific

Writing out very precise goals means that you get a bigger sense of accomplishment for when they’re finally achieved. For example if you write something like ‘I am more confident on social media’ this is very ambiguous and vague and difficult to tell when you’ve achieved it. However, if one of your goals is ‘I posted my first full length photo on social media’ then you will know for definite when you’ve achieved it. Something as simple as that makes a big difference.

2. Write in past tense 

You may be thinking the examples in the last tip are phrased very weirdly – this is because if you write in past tense (as if the goal has already been achieved) it comes across more positively than yearning for something that you haven’t done yet. Then, again by the law of attraction, it’ll be more likely to happen for you!

3. Write as often as you are inspired to 

Using spaced repetition can help to ingrain ideas in your long- term memory and subconscious mind instead of doing more writing, more infrequently. Having said that though, you don’t want to be resenting feeling like you have to write daily. Whilst I would recommend writing in your journal often, it’s more important to write whenever you feel inspired and not put pressure on yourself.

4. Enjoy the journey

This one is very important and is something I struggle with. You want to be ambitious with your goals and striving to have your dream life is a positive thing, but don’t let what you have now slip away from you. Resenting your current life and getting lost in an abstract idea won’t help now, please appreciate what you have and enjoy the now. You have to find a balance between wanting to be better but appreciating your current self.

5. Reflect on your accomplishments 

Occasionally looking back on your earlier writing and you will eventually see how far you’ve come! Similar to the last tip – being grateful for what you have and appreciating the small steps along the way is going to be much more positive than your mental health than worrying about the big stuff. Being proud of yourself and cultivating love for your current self and your manifestation journey is super important!


Manifestation is a tool for personal development and growth, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for self-improvement. For me, I’m not 100% sure about the positive vibrations and wistful thinking ideas surrounding the law of attraction, however I do recognise the importance of setting goals and aspiring for more and I have found writing down my goals helpful in organising and calming my mind. In terms of my glow up journey the idea of manifestation fits in well, for example even in my introduction to the 30 day glow up post I documented my goals and I attend to assess them at the end of this month as well.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful and I do hope you give journaling a go – even if you think the idea of the law of attraction is a load of rubbish then I hope you see the value in goal setting and unloading your more chaotic thoughts onto paper.

If you’ve used a manifestation journal before let me know any tips you have or your experiences, and if not then I hope you’re inspired to give it a go after this!

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