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Tuesday 21 July 2020

5 Secret, Hidden Piercings That You Can Hide At School/Work (Day 30)

#30dayglowup - Day 30

Love getting new piercings but stuck in a situation which doesn't allow body modifications? Here's 5 piercings you can hide...

My ear piercings

In school we were only allowed to have one lobe piercing in at a time and they had to be plain, subtle studs. Naturally I completely ignored this rule and luckily for me my school wasn’t too harsh on it, so I got many ear piercings throughout my time there. However, for some schools or jobs the restrictions on piercings are very strict and can land you in trouble if you get noticeable piercings. A lot of people may just say don’t get them, but I disagree and strongly believe that if you really want a piercing, nothing should be able to stop you.


If you want to get them in noticeable places, I recommend getting pierced at a time where it gives them enough time to heal, and then using clear earring retainers to hide them at work or school. However, there is also the option of getting pierced in places where they can be easily hidden, and you can choose when you want to make them more visible. In this post I’m going to be giving you 5 piercings that you can easily conceal so that you can fulfil the craving without getting into trouble.


Disclaimer: If you’re underage please don’t go seeking piercings illegally and hiding them from your parents. I’m a firm believer that everyone has a right to their own body and in an ideal world there would be no stigma or discrimination about body modifications, but I understand that some people have difficult situations so I’m hoping that these piercings would be a possibility in order to make them happy.



This piercing you can easily get away with without anyone knowing you’ve had it – I’ve been considering getting my septum pierced for ages but there’s a lot of people in my life who I’m not fussed about them knowing about it. You can get pierced with a barbell and simply flip it upwards into your nose to fully hide it.


The only way anyone would find out about it would be if they were to look directly up your nose which A. is really weird and B. you can easily avoid. If you’re ever wanting to reveal it again, you can just un-flip it or swap it out for more obvious jewelry like a ring.



You can easily conceal nipple piercings if you don’t want people to know you’ve got them. The most noticeable part of getting your nipples pierced is the jewelry showing through your top, so simply wearing a bra or nipple covers will make sure your new piercings remain fully covered up under your clothes.



Your daith piercing depends on how much you recon your employers/teachers/family will be paying attention to your ears to try and monitor your piercings. Since it’s very tucked away in your ear, it’s probably the least noticeable of any ear piercings and therefore the easiest to hide. If you get it pierced with a dark barbell and flip it so that it’s tucked into your ear it’s not very obvious at all, however unlike septum and nipple piercings you can just about still see them, so take this one with a pinch of salt.


Web/ smiley piercings

Mouth piercings can be hidden if you’re careful – you could maybe get away with a tongue piercing if you choose subtle jewelry, but I recommend trying out getting other parts of your mouth done. A web piercing is positioned under your tongue where it attaches to your gum and is only obvious when you lift your tongue up – not even when you’re just talking. Your smiley piercing is on that bit of skin between your teeth and gum and the front, and if you get it pierced with a small enough barbell you could definitely keep it hidden.


Belly button piercing

This is one of the more obvious and common piercings on this list – if you don’t wear anything cropped or reveal your stomach in any way, then a belly button piercing can easily be covered up and not be noticeable to anyone.


Tips for hiding piercings

  • Purchase clear, plastic earring retainers (Careful because these fall out easily!)
  • Wear jewelry that you can easily take out if you think anyone is looking
  • Try timing your piercings so that you’re away from work/school for the start of them healing (Hopefully means they won’t heal over if you’re forced to take them out)
  • Use hair/hats to cover jewelry
  • Use subtle, dull studs and/or barbells


In conclusion

Whilst hiding your piercings from anyone is obviously not ideal, it can be pretty fun to have a secret piercing that people don’t know about. I love the idea of keeping one hidden most of the time, and then for a special event putting on more obvious jewelry to draw attraction to it.


Piercings have always been a big part of my glow up journey and I don’t feel like myself without them, so I know how much it sucks to be in a situation that doesn’t support personal expression. Just keep holding out and hopefully you’ll eventually get in the position that you are free to explore body modifications (Safely!) and express yourself however you choose.

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