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Friday 3 July 2020

How You Can Cultivate Self Love Through Journaling (Day 12)

#30dayglowup - Day 12

Can I become more confident in myself and not care what other people think? Let's have a look at how to use journaling... 

How to have more self-love and be more self-confident

Becoming self-confident and cultivating self-love is one of the most important parts of any glow up journey and using journaling can be a significant tool to help you in this process. Feeling truly confident in yourself is not easy nor is it black and white, most people never feel truly self-assured and let their own opinion of themselves hold them back. For me, I’ve spent a very long time resenting myself and struggling with self-image, and even now I’m still on the journey as part of my personal glow up to really feel happy with myself.


This article is going to focus on how to use journaling for self-love however it can be used for a whole range of things, especially in regard to mental health. When you struggling with feeling like you have too many thoughts in your head or ideas that you can’t organize in your brain properly, getting them physically written down on paper can feel like a weight off of your shoulders and make you feel more relaxed, especially before bed. For anyone thinking about giving it a go definitely just have a try – journaling can be personalized so much to your individual preferences and there’s no harm in trying.


Self-love is so important in your everyday life – you spend all of your time in your own head and no one knows you as well as you do. Your opinion of yourself is so important and has such an impact on your mental wellbeing. It’s not selfish nor is it narcissistic (unless it gets to the point of arrogance), its something that is vital to your happiness. It is also very difficult to love others if you don’t already love yourself so if you’re wanting to be accepting to other people you’ll have to start with looking into your own mind.


How to

In terms of using journaling to cultivate self-love there isn’t one way that works for everyone. For me, I add on some affirmations at the end of each of my daily journal entries to reinforce a positive view of myself. I also incorporate these positive ideas (listed below) into my writing and try to adjust my natural thought process. Your aim is to try and write and think about yourself positively, and that’s it. Journaling for self-love is essentially repeating positive things about yourself until you truly believe them. Realize that your opinion of yourself is your reality – other people may think what they want but the only thing that truly matters are your thoughts and your perception of yourself. As soon as you decide you’re beautiful or ambitious or funny, you just are. Because no one can touch your own reality.


 As an example, if your first reaction when you see yourself in the mirror is to criticize, try and correct yourself to focus on something that you like. You may seem like you’re lying to yourself at first, but by gradually altering your mindset you will begin to believe these positive thoughts and slowly change your mindset of yourself.


Literally just decide something about yourself – me, for example, I’m absolutely stunning. Other people may not think that and to be honest I don’t really think that, but once I’ve decided that it’s a thing the only thing holding me back from that being my reality is my own negative thoughts – which I have control over.


I know this probably sounds very abstract and like it won’t work but honestly just give it a go – you never know how it could change your thoughts.


Areas to focus on

Forgiving yourself

You, like every single other person on the planet, are going to make mistakes. It’s a natural part of living and you couldn’t get through life without doing something wrong at some point. Allowing yourself to experience forgiveness is so freeing and prevents you from building up a cycle of self-resentment. Treat yourself like you would any close friends – I can barely remember any of the mistakes my friends have told me and if I do, they don’t seem significantly. Even if you’ve done something catastrophic and life-changing, you deserve to forgive yourself and move forward. Don’t let reflecting on past situations govern how you act now.


Accepting your current self/ life

There is such a balance between being ambitious but also not resenting your current self and life. Yes, it is important to want more from life and yourself, but also being confident in who you are now will stop you from letting everything pass you by because you’re too busy focusing on a dream life. Just enjoy the journey to self-love – recognize your accomplishments no matter how small and be proud of the person you’re becoming.


Striving to be the best version of yourself

This is the other sign of the coin to the previous tip. You can be happy with yourself but still want to achieve more or be better. If you want to change something about your life or yourself then don’t let anything stop you – as I said before, it’s only you inside your own head and you know yourself best. Strive to get the life or the career that you’ve always hoped for – if you’re self-assured in this process and know what you want, eventually you’ll get to where you want to be.


Respecting your body

Body confidence is a whole other kettle of fish. With the recent rise of the body-positivity movement it’s becoming easier to see representation within the media and associate less negativity with your own body. But I know from personal experience that feeling confident in your own skin is very difficult (Literally – having suffered with stubborn acne and scarring all throughout my teenage years). If you start to incorporate this within the cycle of trying to see yourself positively then you will see improvement. Your body does so much for you and keeps you alive, it deserves respect beyond just worrying about how you come across to other people, so let yourself stop resenting it and pursue self-love instead.


Releasing yourself from other people’s opinions

As I said before, the only person whose reality matters in the grand scheme of things is yours. I’ve heard a comparison before of treating your mind like a boat and the negative thoughts as the sea. You can be surrounded by them, but you’ll only begin to sink once the water gets in the boat i.e. once you let other people’s thoughts get in your head. If you change something about yourself people will probably notice the first time you see you but in reality, that’s it, they’ll clock it but probably not even bat an eyelid after that. Don’t let the fear of other people ruin your self-esteem.


10 prompt suggestions

  • Things you’ve achieved today
  • Traits you admire in someone close to you
  • What negative things do you believe about yourself and where these stem from
  • Things you like about your personality
  • Morals and beliefs that are important to you
  • Things you’re good at
  • Things you like about your physical appearance
  • Things you’re grateful to have in your life
  • Reasons you’re proud of yourself
  • How have you positively changed over the last year



Adapt your journaling to suit you

If you’re more of a visual person, try mood boards, if you’re like me and just like getting your thoughts down, a wall of text is just fine. Whatever you feel like works best for you is the correct way of journaling – you can incorporate ideas you hear about or adapt your style as you change but ultimately, it’s completely up to you.

Acknowledge your accomplishments

I like to write down 3 things at the end of each day I’ve accomplished. Sometimes it’s even just I hoovered or something mundane but being proud of even the little things is very important to valuing yourself overall.

Get a journal that you like

This one is perhaps not the most important but enjoying the process and not finding it a drag definitely makes a difference. I personally like really inky pens because I don’t like to press too hard on the page, so that’s what I use because it makes me happy. You just need to do these little things that make you happy.


In conclusion

Using a journal as a technique to cultivate self-love can be hugely beneficial and impactful on your confidence journey. Feeling confident in myself in something that I still struggle with; I always feel like I don’t deserve opportunities or question why my friends enjoy spending time with me. However, I am always seeking out ways of being more self-assured and having a positive image on myself. The ideas I’ve spoken about above are all ways that are helping me to get there slowly, and I accept that this one is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. If you have any more ideas let me know – I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful for your personal grow up journey, and thank you for giving it a read!



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